Our FlexEasy Story

“Iowa Doctor Saddled with Arthritic Shoulders Combines 11 Natural Joint Supplement Ingredients for Cartilage and Pain and Inflammation Support in a Comprehensive Liquid Formula for Maximum Absorption that Works Like None Other Before. “


Many of the popular pain drugs can damage your stomach, liver and kidneys, and can even cause gastrointestinal bleeding.

If you are looking for a natural joint health supplement for arthritis pain relief then this is going to be the most important message you’ll ever read.

Here’s why: Choosing a product like this can be a downright confusing affair. With so many brands to choose from and most containing the same popular ingredients such as Glucosamine, Chondroitin and MSM – it’s difficult to select what’s right for you.

Add to this the popular advertisement from big manufacturers with deep marketing pockets blaring at you from your TV and radio and you end up even more confused.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when buying a product is to look at the benefits without considering the side effects.

Years ago drug maker Merck announced that Vioxx was being removed from the market after a long-term clinical trial showed double the risk of heart attack and stroke in patients taking the popular joint pain relief drug for more than 18 months.

What’s worse, many arthritis pain relief remedies can actually slow tissue healing and adaptation in the long run. So you’re slowing your body’s ability to heal itself, and you still hurt anyway.  So you may be wondering what makes my product, FlexEasy™different from the others. What makes FlexEasy™ safer than other joint pain relief supplements?  Before I answer this question, allow me to share my personal story with you.

Hello, my name is Dr. Brad Krueger, DC and I am a retired 20 year health practitioner who specialized in natural, non-invasive and drug free correction of musculo-skeletal problems.

After about 8 years of practice I noticed the majority of my patients were complaining that the glucosamine and chondroitin I recommended to help with arthritis pain relief or aching joints didn’t do anything for them’. This flew in the face of all the scientific research.

But the real kicker came in the fall of 2002. After a summer season of playing golf, working adjusting patients (it is a physical job), and then holding my newborn son a lot (car seat awkwardness and all), my shoulder joints started exploding with cracking sounds.

I had a hard time telling my then 62 year old father I couldn’t golf with him like we had for years because it was causing so much pain in my shoulders. I had to preserve my body for my practice.

The physical demands of my work were turning my body into a pincushion of pain.

Whenever I got a few minutes break, I was racing for the ice bags we had in our office and holding them on either shoulder trying to numb the pain.

Now I am an extremity specialist and also treated ‘regular’ back and neck pain. And I could’ve sworn I had something torn in my left rotator cuff and right acromio-clavicular joint.

My right clavicle would pop up and down both where it attaches out by the shoulder socket and also the attachment with my sternum (breastbone) with any motion I made.

And my left rotator sounded like… well… you know the sound that is made when you are pulling a chicken wing apart? All that grissel and stuff popping and snapping. That was my left shoulder when swinging the golf club or trying to do a full shoulder rotation or trying to press on a patient’s back.

At home, I absolutely could not hold my son’s car seat anymore. I could not hold him right away when I got home at night because I had to rest and ice my shoulders. And I could not sleep on either side of my body.

I started wearing a hot, sweaty neoprene brace under my dress shirt to try and hold my clavicle down while I worked. But nothing helped.

Now I’ve known pain before. I’ve had three knee surgeries before the age of 18 from athletics. But I’ve never had this intense a pain before, and in two sides of my body at one time.

I finally gave in to my manly stubbornness and went and got MRI and x-ray examinations on both shoulders.

My mind was already preparing to undergo some sort of surgical procedure at least on my right shoulder to “tie down” my sliding clavicle. And I was trying to think of a way to save my practice somehow.

I didn’t have disability insurance because at age 32, I thought I was never going to need it.

Needless to say, after $2,000 of exams and orthopedic consultations, I was both disheartened and relieved to find absolutely nothing was torn in either shoulder but there was some “roughness” forming at the end of my clavicles (arthritis developing). The one orthopedic said “Yep, you have a really loose clavicle. We can do a cortisone shot for the pain.”

I’m like, “Okay that doesn’t heal the problem”. So I said, “Forget it!” Why get a pain numbing shot (and those suckers hurt), go back to work and re-aggravate it in a week, a month or six months time?

So I figured that I just needed to support my body’s natural ability to heal my ligaments/cartilage and I knew that glucosamine, chondroitin and another sulfur compound called MSM have been shown in studies to do that as well as provide some arthritis pain relief. I immediately started taking the full regimen of these.

Well, ultimately it got to the Winter/Spring of 2003 and I was getting no better and no worse. My wife and I made a tough life choice. I was going to have to quit my practice. I just couldn’t take it anymore. Our plan was for her to continue teaching and for me to stay at home and raise our son.

I had a few nibbles but no one that I thought could be “me” and take my place and I wasn’t pushing all that hard to try and sell my practice. I wouldn’t call people back or follow up on leads given to me.

However, I kept praying to God, that someone “good” would take over for me or that HE would either heal me or show me what to do.

I knew that the supplements were capable of supporting my body’s natural process of healing and repairing my joints but they weren’t working …

Through some of my internet searches I started coming across some liquid glucosamine products and reading how tablets don’t dissolve fully thus preventing the body from getting the required amounts kind of like this picture:

I actually tested the glucosamine chondroitin msm tablet that I was taking (for months with no results) and selling in our office to see if it dissolved. And the tablet I tested sat like a rock in the glass mixture of water and vinegar for hours until I finally broke it up with a spoon. It was supposed to dissolve in 40 minutes!

But I also knew that even with a liquid glucosamine it can take months to actually provide a benefit. But who wants to wait that long?

I knew if I wanted to try and make a difference I would have to develop my own formula. I needed a product to try and support my joints naturally without the harmful side effects of prescription drugs.

So I came up with a list of all the ingredients and found a reputable lab that would manufacture this for me. Within the late spring 2003, some of the flavor samples of my “stuff” made me feel great within a few weeks. I decided to have it made for myself, my family and my patients.

By early summer 2003, I could finally be a normal dad again and actually hold and toss my now one-year old son into the air. And I was feeling well enough again for weekly golf with my dad, not having to wear any stupid braces or shoulder supports. My practice was pulled off the ‘for sale’ market and I was much happier for that. So …

When I say that I feel your pain those are not empty words!

Here’s what really sets FlexEasy™ apart from other products:

  • It’s a natural product without the harmful negative side effects. This is a big plus in light of the Vioxx recall mentioned earlier.
  • It’s a glucosamine liquid plus more for maximum absorbtion. Needs to be taken only once a day, so you don’t have to choke down multiple pills and tablets. You would have to personally test your pills to see if they are dissolving to be absorbable.
  • It’s fast acting. You’ll feel the benefits in just weeks not months.


And now, FlexEasy™ is available to you and will be shipped right to your door! It’s also currently available from private health care offices and a few stores, although like any good news, I’ll not be able to keep this a secret for much longer.


Before I tell you how you can get your FlexEasy™, let me remind you that I formulated this product out of my professional experience AND personal experience with joint problems. It’s a rare case when the creator of a product suffered from the ailment the product was meant to help.

In essence, I use this product myself and I think you’ll agree that this says a lot about what I believe FlexEasy™can do for you.


It’s the only joint health supplement of its kind or I wouldn’t have bothered helping create it…

In formulating FlexEasy™, I made sure that all the products were added in optimum amounts to synergistically promote joint health and flexibility as well as provide some arthritis pain relief. We didn’t just add a few milligrams of this and that for “show.” We actually put usable amounts in the FlexEasy™.


And because a product works doesn’t mean that it has to be expensive

If you were to buy all the separate ingredients inFlexEasy™ individually, they’ll cost you over $90 total. So you’re really getting a $90 value for much less.

Also, I challenge you to compare the amount of ingredients in FlexEasy™ with our leading competitors and you’ll find that, per mg, FlexEasy™ is very affordable.Don’t be fooled by products that say they contain ingredients but are there in such small amounts that make them ineffective.

For example, one of our leading competitors product contains just 8 mg of Boswellia just so they can place ‘with Boswellia’ on the label whereas FlexEasy™ contains 500 mg!

Order FlexEasy™ and get the joint flexibility and comfort that you’ve been looking for. Call our line at 1-800-207-6261 or order securely here with our Buy Now.

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[1] Lee SJ, Bai SK, Lee KS, Namkoong S, Na HJ, Ha KS, Han JA, Yim SV, Chang K, Kwon YG, Lee SK, Kim YM. Astaxanthin inhibits nitric oxide production and inflammatory gene expression by suppressing I(kappa)B kinase-dependent NF-kappaB activation. Mol Cells. 2003 Aug 31;16(1):97-105. PubMed PMID: 14503852.

Disclaimer: The statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease. Your results may vary.


5555 Woodbridge Crest

Marion, IA  52302

Phone:  1-800-207-6261

Email:  support@flexeasy.com